Protect yourself against scams

Don't be a scam victim

If an offer looks too good to be true, it probably is.

There’s no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme. The only people who make money are the scammers.

To protect your bank account:

  • never give money, credit card details or online account details to anyone you don’t know and trust
  • keep your receipts
  • check your bank account and credit card statements
  • report any unexplained transactions to your bank.
  • keep your bank cards safe
  • make sure nobody else knows your PIN number.

To protect yourself online:

  • always check that you’re on a secure website before making a payment
  • make sure that any website you visit to make transactions (such as your bank or online shopping provider) has the correct website address in the address bar, including the correct extension (such as ‘’)
  • never click on any links or open any attached files in a spam email
  • always keep strict privacy settings on social networking sites
  • don’t respond to text messages or missed calls that come from numbers you don’t recognise.

Find more details about online security.

To protect yourself while shopping:

  • don’t pay any invoice unless the goods or services were both ordered and delivered
  • if someone comes to your door
    • you should check their identification
    • you do not have to let them in
    • they must leave if you ask them
  • read and understand all of the terms and conditions before signing anything
  • for major purchases, take the contract away with you overnight
  • make sure you know how to stop any subscription service you sign up to
  • always get independent advice if an offer requires a lot of your money or time.